The measure that determines the ranking of a certain passport takes into account the number of countries the passport holder can visit without requesting a visa in advance or that will grant a visa immediately upon reaching the destination. Countries that have an agreement between them on this issue usually allow each other’s citizens unrestricted access.
American or British passport holders may be considered the luckiest. At present, they can visit 147 countries with no need for a visa. Australian passport holders can visit 138 countries without a visa.
Similar to Australia, Czech passport holders, ranked ninth in the world, can visit 138 countries with no need for a visa, only one country less than the New Zealand passport, ranked eighth.

Citizens of France, Germany, and South Korea are ranked second and have freedom of travel to 145 countries.
The least attractive passports are those of Bhutan (40), Myanmar (28), Nepal, Iraq, and Afghanistan (38), and North Korea (33). It is equally difficult to receive visas to visit these countries. Visitors to countries with such unfriendly entry terms usually require information about the visitor’s entrance and exit from the country, a letter of invitation, detailed information of where the visitor will be staying while in the country, as well as entry fees. Providing mistaken information can lead to suspension of the visa or even its cancellation.
- US, Britain (147)
- France, South Korea, Germany (145)
- 3.Italy, Sweden (144)
- Denmark, Singapore, Finland, Japan, Luxemburg, the Netherlands (143)
- Switzerland (142)
- Spain, Norway, Ireland, Belgium, Portugal (141)
- Canada, Greece, Austria, Malaysia (140)
- New Zealand (139)
- The Czech Republic, Australia, Hungary (138)
- Poland, Slovakia (137)
- Iraq, Afghanistan, Nepal, Ethiopia
- Myanmar, South Sudan
And if you happen to wonder how Israel is ranked, the Israeli passport, together with its Argentinian equivalent, is ranked 16th, below Bulgaria and Lichtenstein and above Brazil, Monaco, and Romania.
If you would like to receive a Czech passport and you are eligible for one, press here for more information or contact us and we will be glad to assist you.